Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

My English Speech

By        : Moh. Gufron.
Indonesia has big demographic problems, those are quantity, quality, distribution and demography data. In a quantity manner, Indonesian population amount to 237,6.000.000  (two hundred thirty seven poin six million) and got the fourth rank in the world. With growth arround 1,49 % (one point fourty nine percent) per year. The quantity of Indonesian population estimated will be three millions every year. In a quality manner, Indonesia has poor population arround 13,33% (thirteen point thirty three percent) with education, health, and purchasing power level. it is lower grade until Indonesian’s Human development Indeks or  IPM only got the grade in number 108 (one hundred eight) from 187 (one hundred eighty seven) countries with the values arround 71,76 (seventy one point seventy six). Indonesia also has unbalanced   distribution population poblem’s because, 58% (fifty eight percent) popullation stayed in Java island. Indonesia also has many problems still have to tidy up, and population registration abuot vertility, mortality, and migration could not clearly.
Those problems need gathering solution between government and citizen. The law number 52 (fivety two) yaers 2009 (two thaushand nine) about Demographic improvement and Family development in paragraph 56 (fivety six) section 1 (one) and in the rule of President Republic of Indonesia No.62 years 2010 about BKKBN is the one of strategic ways  to cope the problems.
In this section, I am standing in front of you all to speech and take the topic about : “ Population Growth of Indonesia on Economic Aspect”.

As I shared to us in the opening, that in Quality manner, Indonesia has poor popualation arround 13,33%  (thirteen point thirty three percent) with Education, health and purchasing power level lower grade’s.
In this case, it’s very crucial to improve the demographic quality. As we were concerned that : population quality is a condition within physical aspect and non physical in covering health, education, work, productivity, social grade, as fundamental size to develop the capabilities and to enjoy the life as godfearing human, cultured, and as our’s implementation good citizen.
The demographic aspect that need our’s attention right now is knowladge with demographic ananlysist those are :, Economic, Demography, Social, Culture, Human resource improve, and Envirountment aspect.
To improve the qualities of demography, we could do any ways, those are :
                                  I.            Education.
We can mention, that a nation progressed or not and qualitity or not, if there are human resource that have best knowledge and could aplicated and make the modern science and technology. So, Education is the main way to improve the quality of human resources.
                                II.            Health.
Within healthy mind, there is also healthy soul. We can do anything clearly and structurally, if our mind and our soul is health. The development of social health trough public services including family planning should be expationed to achieve all people through out  all area in our country  Indonesia
                              III.            Economic.
So, from this way, we can achieve our goal, from the small thing we can do the amazing for our country like collecting or saving MONEY . From this small thing, we can build a big house, new car and more else. Included we can pay our school fee and get healthy service.
                             IV.            Vocation.
The wide vocation and profit making, will not make us be poor, hungry, malnutrition, etc. Because, we can build our life and our families from our work profit.
                               V.            Human Distribution.
By this way, at least, we can minimize the big population density, intern of population distribution, extern transmigration or the others. So, we can enjoying our life peacefully without crowded polution, trafic jam and so on .

Now, I am going to discribe us about Population  Development Grand Design :
1.       Controlling Popullation Quantities.
The main thing we can do from this one is : Fertilities controling, mortalities, and mobilities intruction.
2.       Improving Popullation Qualities.
Engineer of improving popualation qualities as physical or mental improvement in every life cycles period from infant. Children under five, adolescence, adult and aged population.

3.       Family Development
Families improving prosperity by women and families resource to minimize the poverty, unemployment. And to make good character in a family. As the one of sosialisation media, family is very important within to brought the young generations. In this primer sosialisation media is the place to give and to grow good ideology and good personality and character for children, so, they can aplicated it in their life habit everyday. This way can help us to make good nation and progress country. Because, as we were concerned, from the young man and the yong women a nation will be high grade and progress.
            The function of main design :
                                                        I.            To give contributions within continou development, poverty and unemployment reduce.
                                                      II.            Improving quality of public service.
School is a facility who always use by all of people, because school is a place to take and give the science and a place to product the first quality of the young generation. And there is a Hospital to take shalter and get more health. But, What about our friend in remote area, and what about our familie’s in the underdeveloped country,...? Healthy service is very dificult to get there. So, we must attantion this one and do something. Maybe we can build PUSKESMAS to help them. Remember, they are our friends, they are our families.

                                                    III.            Quality and balenced population growth.
                                                    IV.            Have a dream about Indonesian best future.
Insya allah, ten years later we can alfuter our flag and improve Indonesian name in the world, because we are suitable, because we are strong, and because we can do those things. And I am very proud be Indonesian. I proud with my flag, I proud with my national anthem INDONESIA RAYA, and I proud with my Nation INDONESIA. MERDEKA,,, MERDEKA,,,MERDEKA...!!!
Dear my Friends, The Young generation of Indonesia wherever you are, Now I am standing here to invite you all, let’s together to take attantion in this case, because it isn’t small problem, but it’s big problem that need our care. Nobody will care on this problem except us as the young generation of Indonesia. So, if this problem can we cope, Insya Allah the best future will be waiting us in front of we all.
And the last as my speech closing,,,
Silaq pelungguh sareng senamian, tengiring pade majuan program Keluarge Berencane, adet sak pade beriuk solah. Engan hak anggepan luek bije jarint luek rezki wah engkah ne jaman. Sak tekadu mawinan nike adalah “ due bije, majuan bangse “ 3X.
Maybe until here from me thank you for your attantion, and appologize me if I have many mistakes...


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